The photos

These are all the amazing photos taken by scAVENGERS.

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Clue 4:

Don’t overthink it, don’t lose the plot,
Get your team down to the Tot Lot of Tott.
The mouth of the frog is an excellent spot
For a teammate to stand while you get the shot

Clue 8:

The Incredible Hulk buys his food all in Bulk
But at this Barn? Probably not.
Buy candies that rhyme with a 3-letter hat
And then you must take a nice shot
Of a team member looking as much as they can
Like the dispenser of what you just bought.

Clue 9:

You’re not on a farm but you are in a Barn
If you stay here you’ll still be in scope
You’ll save your team time if you know how to rhyme
Like a Cockney from London (we hope)
Buy one bar of a thing you might find on a “string”
It’s a little wee foamy “Bob Hope

Clue 10:

Grocery shopping is part of this game
So off to the market you go
Buy an item of food with a colourful name (2 items if you are a team of more than 2 people)
But keep the total price low (under $5)
Now take a shot of your food being held
By a person you don’t even know

Clue 11:

Welcome to the Jungle, Ben. Now take a little hike
Just north of ‘Shire and ‘Nevis is a path that cyclists like
Just by the entrance you must stop - this clue is not a walk
Now write your team name on the path with your block of sidewalk chalk

Clue 12:

Back by popular demand:
A beer can B
a beer, can U?
Purchase one can of beer (TWO cans if your team has more than two players) with an animal in the name and take a photo of a team member pretending to be that animal.
Do NOT drink the beer. Bring it with you to the final rendezvous point and surrender it to your hosts.

Clue 17:

A previous clue with a mosaic zoo
Has a present for you if you’re swift
Get a picture of one of your team holding onto
A nice little flowery gift